Welcome to the Web Site of the Michigan Deanery! 

Today's Date According to the Old Calendar:

Falloween Party is 10/27/18 – Riding Club Mocks Halloween 
12/10/18, 11:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

The Orthodox Dead Riding Club will hold a Motorcycle Run and Party on Saturday afternoon, October 27 – before Vigil. The name is not a mistake – it is meant to denote that the Halloween is an exhibition of the fallenness of man. More information can be found here:


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Rector Opening at Christ the Savior in River Rouge 
5/10/18, 03:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

The Christ the Savior Mission in River Rouge, Michigan is seeking a parish Rector. The English speaking mission is purposefully placed in an urban environment with all the challenges and opportunities that such a location provides. Over the ten years of the life of the mission Reader’s Services have been held on Sunday and feast days, with Divine Liturgy served by the clergy of the Michigan Deanery. Those interested in learning more about the mission and the open Rector position are asked to contact Fr. Gregory Joyce, Dean of Michigan Parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.
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ORPR Camper Meetings! 
20/9/18, 03:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory


Please join us for our monthly meetings of the Michigan Deanery campers!

A detailed sign up sheet will be posted here well in advance of each meeting. The full schedule is below - please put these meetings on your calendars NOW!

ORPR Michigan Deanery Camper Meetings 2018-19

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Michigan Deanery ORPR Campers 2018 
12/7/18, 10:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please remember our Michigan Deanery ORPR campers in your prayers this month!


Learn more about sending your child to ORPR camp next year:


Our Ann Arbor parish has monthly ORPR camper meetings. Like to know more? Email info@stvladimiraami.org.
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Devastating Floods in Houghton County 
19/6/18, 10:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Early in the morning of June 17, 2018 up to 7 inches of rain fell on the Copper Country in the span of about 6 hours. The destruction that ensued was devastating. Please remember the people of the Copper Country in your prayers. We are thankful that the monks at the Sts. Sergius & Herman Monastery were not hurt and the damage to the monastery was minor (some basement flooding). The same is true of the monastery parishioners – there are no reports of major damage or casualties. But such devastation will require many resources to repair. Please pray that those who are in a position to do so will be generous to help and please donate yourself if you can. Igumen Alexander, who is our representative on the ground there, recommends that donations go to Little Brothers/Friends of the Elderly since in these situations the elderly and home bound are especially negatively impacted:


Please find more information at the WLUC web site on the flooding in Houghton County:

http://www.uppermichiganssource.com/con ... 67571.html
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Michigan Deanery Clergy Awards at Diocesan Assembly 
18/6/18, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Congratulations to our Michigan Deanery Clergymen who received awards at the Diocesan Assembly Divine Liturgy on June 16, 2018 for sincere and diligent service to the Holy Church!

Archpriest Victor Trotskyy was awarded the right to wear the jeweled cross.

Hieromonk Alexander (Reichert) was elevated to the rank of Igumen with the right to wear the palitsa.

Priest Michael Carney was elevated to Archpriest.

We ask your prayers for these and all our clergymen - that the Lord would strengthen them in their service to His people!
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Kursk Icon to Visit St. Vladimir's April 17 
24/3/18, 05:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

God willing the Kursk Root Icon will be present at the icon for Radonitsa on April 17, 2018 at St. Vladimir's in Ann Arbor. The parish web site is:



The icon will need to leave immediately after Liturgy. Please join us as your personal schedule allows.
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Pysanky Egg Decoration is this Saturday Downriver 
23/3/18, 05:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

The Downriver Christ the Savior Mission will hold a Pysanky Egg Decorating event on Saturday, March 24 from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. All are welcome, but we ask that you RSVP!

Cell/SMS: 313-897-4880

Email: ctsdownriver@gmail.com
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Kursk Root Icon to Visit Michigan Deanery 
18/2/18, 01:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

With the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion and His Eminence, Archbishop Peter the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God will visit the Michigan Deanery this Great Lent.

Schedule of the visit of the Kursk Root Icon:

http://chicagodiocese.org/files/kursk-i ... 2018v3.pdf

Please find more information about the icon below.





Photos and a short narrative of the visit of the icon to each parish should be sent to the Dean of Michigan Parishes, Fr. Gregory Joyce: ogrisha@stvladimiraami.org
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General Unction is March 6, 2018 
17/2/18, 01:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

With the blessing of Archbishop Peter, the annual General Unction service for our Michigan Deanery will be held at Dormition Cathedral at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 6. The address for Dormition Cathedral is: 2101 Livernois St., Ferndale, MI 48220.

По благословению архиепископа Петра, ежегодное общее Соборование Мичиганского благочиния состоится в Успенском соборе в 6:00 часов вечера в вторник, 6 марта. Адрес Успенского собора: 2101 Livernois St., Ferndale, MI 48220.

More information:

http://stvladimiraami.org/flyers/genera ... er2018.pdf
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