Join Zoe for Life MI TODAY!
9/3/23, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

For those facing the reality of an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy the decision to choose life is often a difficult one. Sadly, the perceived lack of support, love and acceptance from family, neighbors and the Church can lead an individual to think that terminating the pregnancy is the only option. Thanks be to God, the work of ZOE for Life is making an impact and giving expectant mother’s a true choice by offering non-judgmental love and support in tangible and spiritual ways.
The incredible ministry of ZOE for Life began in 1998 as a dream shared on a porch by faithful Orthodox Christians in Ohio who desired to serve Christ and their community by providing hope and support to expectant mothers who were facing difficult decisions about navigating their pregnancies and the reality of raising a child. In 2018 a chapter of ZOE for Life began to minister in the greater Ann Arbor, MI area as a joint ministry between St. Vladimir Russian Orthodox Church and St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. Christian love and material support began to be shared with many in the community.
Archbishop Peter has blessed and challenged us so that in 2023 the clergy and faithful of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia work together to found a Zoe for Life chapter in each of our Michigan parishes - that this ministry grow and reach every part of our beautiful state. Now that we have made it through the pandemic, and following the implementation of Proposition 3 in our state, there is much work to be done! Each parish is encouraged to begin to learn about and implement the vision of this ministry. This ministry does not have to begin on a grand scale - it can begin as an intentional effort to raise awareness about the needs of expectant mothers in crisis. It can then grow to a consistent practice of prayer for those in need and those ministering to them. Finally, it can blossom into tangible ways of serving and loving expectant mothers who are contemplating how to respond to their pregnancy. It can be collecting and distributing diapers. It can be providing a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. It can be be a home cooked meal and a reassuring smile. We are called to love and serve the world around us, especially those in need and those who are vulnerable. With God’s help we can and we must, as Orthodox Christians, commit to promoting LIFE at all stages.
A Zoe for Life chapter in every Michigan parish is our goal, and this ministry works best when the clergy and laity together make this a priority for their parish. If you have questions or are interested in how you and your parish can be a partner in this vital, life changing ministry please contact Stephanie Chisholm at or
Archpriest Gregory Joyce, Dean of the Michigan Parishes.