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Today's Date According to the Old Calendar:

Michigan Deanery Graduations and Ordination 
1/7/20, 12:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Sunday was a big day for the Michigan Deanery at the Diocesan Cathedral! Left to right: Fr. Gregory Joyce (Dean of Michigan ROCOR parishes), Hierodeacon Alexei (new graduate of the Pastoral School of the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America - PSDCMA), Subdeacon Micah Chisholm (new graduate of PSDCMA), Deacon Colin Bower (ordained deacon Sunday and new graduate of PSDCMA), Reader Elijah Naasko (tonsured Reader Sunday). Congratulations to all!


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Outdoor Gatherings of up to 100 Allowed 
2/6/20, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

According to Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order 2020-110 it is permissible to gather in groups of 100 or less OUTSIDE as of June 1, 2020. Parishes that have questions or need resources to take the next steps out of quarantine in response to these orders are asked to contact the Dean of Michigan Parishes, Fr. Gregory Joyce.
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Small Groups Allowed to Gather 
22/5/20, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

According to Governor Whitmer’s Executive Orders 2020-96 and 2020-97 it is permissible to gather in groups of 10 or less as of May 21, 2020. Parishes that have questions or need resources to take the first steps out of quarantine in response to these orders are asked to contact the Dean of Michigan Parishes, Fr. Gregory Joyce.
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Prayers for Midland County 
20/5/20, 01:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Today people in our Deanery are suffering greatly. Flood waters are expected to reach record levels in Midland – twice as high as any previously recorded flood. Many people will lose all material possessions. Some people will likely lose their lives. Please pray for the suffering people of this area of our state who are undergoing a crisis in the time of pandemic. May the Lord be with them all today! Donations to support the relief effort can be made to the Red Cross:


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Let us Beware of Covidolatry – Observations from the Michigan Deanery  
6/5/20, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

As Dean of the Michigan Deanery of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia I no doubt will have to answer – at least on some level – for the parishioners of our Deanery. Not in the way that Archbishop Peter would as our ruling hierarch (he answers for every soul in the diocese), or the way in which I will unquestionably answer for the parishioners of the parish where I am the Rector in Ann Arbor. But to imagine there is NO repercussion for my work as the Dean is probably a fantasy, so I think it is important, and hopefully an aid to my salvation, to make a few observations about the state of our state from a spiritual point of view, and to raise some questions that hopefully will cause some soul-profiting soul searching for the faithful in our deanery.


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Archbishop Peter's Epistle: On the Removal of the Quarantine and the Opening of Parishes 
30/4/20, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please find here Archbishop Peter's Epistle on the removal of quarantines in the diocese. This does not apply to us yet - but hopefully soon!


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Addendum to Diocesan Policy Regarding Public Worship During the Cornovavirus Pandemic 
24/4/20, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

This addendum to the diocesan policy is not applicable to Michigan yet, but we hope it soon will be as we move towards lifing the quarantine here.


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Archbishop Peter Guidance: Holy Week & Pascha 
14/4/20, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please find guidance for for Holy Week & Pascha from Archbishop Peter at the link below.


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Unction Canceled 
5/4/20, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

This is a reminder that, as previously announced, the Deanery Unction service that was previously scheduled for this evening in Ferndale has been canceled due to the pandemic. Please reach out to your local priest for spiritual support as needed during this extraordinary time.
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Two Archbishop Peter Visits to the Deanery Canceled 
25/3/20, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Due to the present restrictions placed upon public gatherings His Eminence, Archbishop Peter, has canceled his visit to the Sts. Sergius & Herman of Valaam Monastery in Houghton March 28-29, 2020 and to St. Vladimir Parish in Ann Arbor April 4-5, 2020. Once the pandemic subsides these visits will be rescheduled.
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