Welcome to the Web Site of the Michigan Deanery! 

Today's Date According to the Old Calendar:

Michigan Deanery Unction is April 5, 2020 
20/2/20, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

With the blessing of Archbishop Peter, the annual General Unction service for our Michigan Deanery will be held at Dormition Cathedral at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 5, 2020. The address for Dormition Cathedral is: 2101 Livernois St., Ferndale, MI 48220.

По благословению архиепископа Петра, ежегодное общее Соборование Мичиганского благочиния состоится в Успенском соборе в 6:00 часов вечера в воскресенье, 5 апреля 2020 г. Адрес Успенского собора: 2101 Livernois St., Ferndale, MI 48220.


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Traverse City Mission Services 
12/2/20, 10:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Beginning February 2, 2020, the St. Sebastian Mission in Traverse City will hold Reader Services each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy will be held on February 18 and March 17. Please join us as your personal schedule allows, and please pray for the success of the mission!

Fr. Gregory Joyce
Dean of Michigan Parishes
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Update on Cadillac Mission 
11/2/20, 10:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Dear followers and supporters. Things have been quiet here in the past few months. Changes in employment and attending to some significant family needs required that we pause Sunday services for a season.

I am excited to share the God has opened a door and that our family will be redirecting a good bit of our time and energy to assisting St Sebastian Orthodox Church near Traverse City. This mission was recently transferred into our diocese so it seems a good place to direct ourselves while things continue to rest here in Cadillac. God willing there will be a renewed effort to build an Orthodox parish in Cadillac when the time for that is right. In the meantime please contact us through our Facebook page if you are Orthodox and interested in forming a community or if you are not Orthodox but are curious about learning more! We would love to hear from you. Please also pray for St Sebastian Orthodox Church, that Christ’s love would be made manifest there and that our labors will bear good fruit. Check back often for updates!

Grace & Peace,

Subdeacon Micah Chisholm
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Divine Liturgy in Traverse City 
23/1/20, 08:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

On January 9/22, 2020, the day of the commemoration of Hieromartyr Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow, the Dean of Michigan Parishes, Fr. Gregory Joyce, served the Divine Liturgy at the St. Sebastian Mission in Traverse City, MI with Archbishop Peter’s blessing. Although it was a working day, 15 people gathered for the Divine Liturgy – 14 of these partook of Holy Communion (the 15th was a Catechumen). Following the Divine Liturgy a meal was presented at which the future of the mission was discussed, as well as several interesting questions about Orthodox Christianity in Michigan and on the North American continent. God willing, Liturgy will again be served on February 18, and Sunday Reader Services will commence on February 2. We ask your prayers for this vibrant community! Lear more at their web site:


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Second Pascha in Michigan's Capital 
17/1/20, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Congratulations to our parish in Lansing! Full coverage and lots of pictures of their feast day can be found on the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America web site:


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Second Pascha at St. Herman Parish 
26/12/19, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Congratulations to our parish in Lake Odessa! Full coverage and lots of pictures of their feast day can be found on the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America web site:

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ORPR Camper Meetings this Semester 
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Walk of Life 2019 
26/6/19, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Our Deanery has been offered the opportunity to host the Diocesan Cross Procession “Walk of Life” this Labor Day weekend (August 31-September 2). And we want to do it! This has always been a positive event for our parishes, deanery, and diocese. We have always gotten more out of it as a deanery than we have put in. But the timing is rough. This event will happen two weeks before the annual festival at our Ann Arbor parish. So we need a volunteer to lead this effort – someone who is not on the Ann Arbor festival committee or a festival lead. Please contact Fr. Gregory Joyce, Dean of Michigan parishes right away if you can help. Some things have already been put in place – so you wouldn’t be starting from scratch! A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO HELP YOUR DEANERY!

Here are pictures from previous Walks of Life in the Michigan Deanery:

Walk of Life 2016

Walk of Life 2015

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Bishop Nicholas Visit to Michigan Deanery 
16/5/19, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Information on the visit of His Grace, Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, to the Michigan Deanery, including photographs, is covered on the web site of the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America:


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Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan to Visit Michigan Deanery 
9/5/19, 01:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

With the blessing of His Eminence, Archbishop Peter, His Grace, Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, will serve at Dormition Cathedral in Ferndale, MI on Sunday, May 12, 2019. Meeting of the bishop is set for 9:30 a.m. All are welcome!
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