11/2/20, 10:00 AM
Dear followers and supporters. Things have been quiet here in the past few months. Changes in employment and attending to some significant family needs required that we pause Sunday services for a season.
I am excited to share the God has opened a door and that our family will be redirecting a good bit of our time and energy to assisting St Sebastian Orthodox Church near Traverse City. This mission was recently transferred into our diocese so it seems a good place to direct ourselves while things continue to rest here in Cadillac. God willing there will be a renewed effort to build an Orthodox parish in Cadillac when the time for that is right. In the meantime please contact us through our Facebook page if you are Orthodox and interested in forming a community or if you are not Orthodox but are curious about learning more! We would love to hear from you. Please also pray for St Sebastian Orthodox Church, that Christ’s love would be made manifest there and that our labors will bear good fruit. Check back often for updates!
Grace & Peace,
Subdeacon Micah Chisholm